Wednesday, August 4, 2010

OROP as explained by Brig CS Kamboj

Dear Friends,
Jai Hind.

Reference ESM SITREP appended below.

Some of you may not be familiar about the two ways of defining the OROP (there may be even more than two ways of defining it if you were to take into account all the emails that have been floating on the net in last two years).

The two definitions which are more prevalent and being debated are –
1. Option 1. Same Rank – same total length of service – same pension.
2. Option 2. Same Rank – same length of service in that rank – same pension.
The option two has the following disadvantages –
1. Complete old service records of every ESM have to be dug-up to establish how many years one spent in his last rank.
In Option 1, the total service figures are readily available and of course the rank at retirement is known.
Therefore, every CDA authority will vehemently oppose the second option (if OROP is agreed to).

2. While Option 2 may give marginally more pension to some – will cause loss to majority.
Option 2 is simply an ego driven option.
It is ego of some which is creating more and more splinter groups among ESM.
Therefore, it will be in general interest to majority of ESM that we accept the definition as per Option 1 above.

‘i’ request YOU ALL to kindly avoid further debate on this subject and look for larger interest of the ESM community.
Please control your ego.

Last year I had received very large number of emails from some of the Selection Grade Lt Cols and equivalents as to why the Time Scale Lt Cols and equivalents are being given the same pension as the Selection Grade. Gradually they all reconciled to the situation and hopefully you all will also reconcile to Option 1 of the OROP definition.

Please do not create further splinter groups among the ESM.

In service of Indian Military VeteransChander Kamboj.