Sunday, November 29, 2009

Letter to all veterans by Gp Capt Gandhi Gen Secy IESM

From: Vinod Gandhi
Sent: Sat, 28 November, 2009 11:58:44 AM
Subject: Misc AGM 091126 Letter to all veterans.

Dear Veterans
IESM is completing one year of its existence in the service of veterans. This one year has been full of hectic activity. It has been possible to bring the One Rank One Pension (OROP) issue, which is so close to heart of every veteran, to centre stage and force Government to admit that the veterans are unhappy because OROP has not been granted to them.
IESM has also started three divisions to help veterans in solving their problems. These divisions are -
1. IESM Pension Division Director Vice Admiral Barin Ghose AVSM bag1944@yahoo.
2. IESM ECHS Division Director Air Marshal Kuldip Rai AVSM kulusha1112@
3. IESM CSD Division Director Lt Gen Jagdish Chander jagimedi@gmail. com
These divisions are working efficiently and helping veterans in solving their problems. Veterans have welcomed these divisions. Suggestions received from the respected veterans are discussed and put in action to ensure that maximum benefit reaches the veterans. The road is long and there is lot of work to do. IESM is determined to help each veteran in remotest possible corner of India and those settled abroad.
While IESM is working for the veterans with full confidence and zeal, few fellow veterans do not seem to like the progress made by IESM. These veterans had joined IESM with their narrow interest or to give a fillip to their personal agenda. On realisation that IESM office bearers will not allow these veterans to pursue their personal agenda, they have separated from IESM and have approached the court to place hurdles in the working of IESM.
A legal notice and a letter sent to Registrar of Societies by these ESM against IESM, with ulterior motives, is attached. A suitable reply has been filed by IESM in the response to the court and to the Registrar Societies. All veterans would be informed about the reply of IESM at a suitable time. It is left to the wisdom of the veterans to decide about the intentions of these misguided veterans.
Another mischievous action taken by Col K Bhardwaj is to call a parallel AGM on 12 Dec 09 at Gurgaon. AGM called by Col K Bhardwaj does not have any sanctity as it does not have approval of Governing body of IESM and is totally illegal and needs to be completely ignored by all veterans.
This is for information of all veterans that official AGM of the IESM is planned on 13 Dec 09 Sunday at 1000 hours at AVCC Noida with the approval of Governing Body of IESM. All veterans are requested to note this and attend the IESM AGM at 1000h at AVCC Noida on 13 Dec 09. Kindly send your confirmation to attend the AGM of IESM at vk_gandhi@yahoo. com
Notice for the AGM of IESM on 13 Dec 09 is given below for the benefit of all veterans.
(The AGM Notice was circulated by “REPORT MY SIGNAL” vide Email 782/2009
on 18 Nov 09)


Gp Capt VK Gandhi VSM
Gen Sec IESM
L - 48, Sector - 25,
NOIDA. 201301
Tele no 01202519440
Mobile 09810541222

Shri Dharam Singh Sheraon,
R/o D-200, Mangala Puri Village,
Palam Colony,
New Delhi.
Smt. Siksha Bharadwaj,
M/o Shaheed Capt. Umang Bharadwaj,
R/o Plot No. 309, Veer Akash,
Sector 18, Dwarka,
New Delhi.
Maj. I.S. Jhakhar
R/o T-12A, Gurgaon.
New Palam Vihar.

Hav. Balwan Singh
R/o 118B, Rajendra Park,
Gurgaon .... Plantiffs
Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement
543, Sector – 23,
Gurgaon – 122017.
Lt. Gen. Raj Kadyan
R/o 262/17A, Gurgaon.
Maj. Gen. Satbir Singh
R/o 543/23, Gurgaon.
Col. Kanwar Bharadwaj
R/o 774/ 17A, Gurgaon.
Maj. Gen. P.K. Renjen ... Defendants
R/o 18, Kusum Marg (FF),
DLP, Ph-1, Gurgaon.
That the Plantiffs are the members of the Defendant No. 1 comprising of ex-servicemen and which registered on 15th .....
On the facts and circumstance of the case it is most respectfully prayed that:
A. To pass a decree of mandatory injunction thereby directing the defendants 2-5 to call the meeting of the general body of the Defendant no. 1 society within a period of 30 days giving 15 days notice to all the members of the defendant no. 1 society.
B. To pass a decree of mandatory injunction thereby directing the defendants 2-5 to hold the election of the Governing Body of Defendant no. 1 within a period of 30 days.
C. To pass a decree of mandatory injunction directing the defendant nos 2-5 to display the entire list of members of the defendant no. 1 society on the notice board to be displayed at the registered office of the defendant no. 1 society.
D. To pass a decree of permanent injunction thereby restraining the defendant nos 2-5 from operating the bank account of the defendant no. 1 society be passed against the defendant nos 2-5.
E. To pass a decree of permanent injunction thereby restraining the defendants nos 2-5 from creating any further sub-committees in the defendant no. 1 society and from appointing any member of the defendant no. 1 society to such committees or sub committees be passed against the defendant nos 2-5.
F. Cost of the suit.
G. Such any other relief or order, which this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper, may also be passed in favour of the plaintiff and against the defendant.
Sd xxxxxxxxx
Sd xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx
DATED: 7/11/09


An All India Federation Of Military Veterans Organisation
Col Kanwar Bhardwaj, Sena Medal
Gen. Secy-Indian Ex-servicemen Movement
President-Indian Ex-servicemen Movement (Hr.)
Resi: Kothi No 774, Sector-17A,Gurgaon Tel:(O)0124-3260877,(R) 2341155
Mob: 9312666181 E-mail:

The Registrar
Firms and Societies
Gurgaon, Haryana
Dear Sir,
1. I would like to bring the following to your notice for your necessary action and verification please. The IESM is not functioning in a democratic way and as per the Bye-laws of the Societies. Proceedings of the IESM are not properly recorded, because there is no proper office, staff and necessary equipments, since the office shown is the residence (H. No-543 Scctor-23) Vice-Chairn1an of IESM Maj Gen Satbir Singh. The necessity of the office have been ignored inspite of number of times demand was put up in the meeting of Stg Comt. Agenda point put up for the monthly meeting May 09 of steering committee by Gen Secy was not even considered (Copy of the suggested Agenda points attached).
The management/records of every thing including funds are controlled by Vice Chainman whereas as per the MOA, Gen Secy is do all these things. Even on the registration of MOA Signatories are Chairn1an, Vice Chainman & Treasurer. Why not Gen Secy & why Vice Chairman, shows the intension of the Vice Chairman. Funds have been utilized without proper sanction /resulation passed by the Governing Body. A sum of Rs 35000/- was given to Wing Cdr CK Sharma (member of Stg comtt) for some documentary film.
As Gen Secy I would like to apprise you that right from the day one of IESM till date 6 members out of the Governing Body comprising of 24 members, I have not seen or even known the following members of Governing Body :-
S.No Name S.No Name
14 R/Adm G. Kurvilla 20 Maj S.Khanna
18 Brig Jagjit Singh Ahuja 21 Capt M.Mathur
19 Col R.M.Bedi 24 Col Sidharth Bose
When these above points were raised time and again for the proper functioning of the IESM, the way out was found by deputing Gp Capt Gandhi as Gen Secy without any election, whereas I have not resigned till date. Copy attached. There is only one post of Gen Secy. These appointments are adhoc however there is need in near future Gen Body meeting is to be called for fresh election.


पेंशन उन सेवाओं का मुआवजा है जो हम अतीत से कर चुके हैं. अगर यह सेवाएँ बराबर थी तो मुआवजा भी बराबर होना चाहिए. अगर २ फौजी बराबर सर्विस के बाद और एक ही रंक से सेवा निवृत होते हैं, तो उनकी पेंशन भी समान होनी चाहिए. येही OROP का सिद्धांत है.
OROP २५ साल से ज्यादा पुरानी मांग है. छठे वेतन आयोग के बाद IESM के नेत्रत्व में OROP का अभियान जोर शोर से चला है. इसी अभियान के नतीजा है कि आज सभी भारत वासी OROP के मूल सिधान्तों से वाकिफ हैं. IESM यह संघर्ष को अनुसाशन और कानूनी दायरे में चलता आ रहा है और आगे भी चलता रहेगा.
संघर्ष का सबसे कामयाब तरीका मेडल जमा करने का है. सरकार के पास इसका कोई जवाबी हल नहीं है. इसी कि बदौलत, OROP को राष्ट्रपति ने भी २००९ में लोक सभा को दिए अपने वार्षिक भाषण में शामिल किया. इसी संघर्ष कि वजह से १०-१०-१९९७ से पहले के सेवा निवृत सेनानिओं को १०-१०-१९९७ के बाद वालों के बराबर पेंशन देने कि घोषणा सरकार द्वारा के गयी. १-१-२००६ से पूर्व सेवा निवृत JCO और जवानों के पेंशन में भी काफी बढ़ोतरी हुई है, जिसके बारे में सरकारी आदेश आने की आशा है.
पेंशन में बढ़ोतरी ज़रूर हुई है, लेकिन OROP अभी भी नहीं मिला है. संघर्ष जारी रखना पड़ेगा. जो पूर्व सैनिक इसमें शामिल अभी तक नहीं हुए हैं, वो तुरंत IESM के सदस्य बनें. ( सदस्य बनने की आजीवन फीस है- अफसर रु ५००/=, JCO- रु २००/=, और बाकी सब रु १००/=. सैनिक वीरांगनाओं निशुल्क सदस्य बन सकती हैं ). आपसे यह भी अनुरोध है कि अपने मेडल भी जिला इन्चार्गे के पास जमा करवाएं.
OROP के अलावा IESM सैनिक कल्याण के और कई कामों में लगा है, जैसे ECHS, पेंशन और कैंटीन सुविधाओं में अव्वल दर्जे का सुधर लाना. आइये, हम सब मिल कर सैनिक कल्याण कि गतिविधियों को मिल कर आगे ले चलें,
जय हिंद !!
लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल राज कादयान,
अध्यक्ष IESM

Wednesday, November 25, 2009



Dear Friends,

1. Information leaflet in Hindi is attached. You are requested to circulate the same to the maximum ESM. You are also requested to get it translated in local languages and circulate to the ESM in the area.

2. We once again appeal to all ESM Organizations and ESM to join the IESM in large numbers. As explained earlier deposit of medals is to be vigorously pursued to make the Govt take us seriously. We request atleast 2000 ESM to be added to the membership list from each district of the country and atleast 2000 medals per district be collected for deposit with the President. All convenors are requested to organize membership drive as well as medal collection on OP IMMEDIATE basis and give us the feed back twice a month. Once large number of medals have been collected, the date of deposit of medals will be planned. Every ESM to kindly cooperate.

3. It is heartening to note that number of IESM members have contacted MPs to raise questions on OROP in the Parliament during the current session. Besides the open letter to the MPs, we had forwarded them another open letter on “Starred Questions for the MPs”. A letter sent to Mr Navjot Sidhu who has responded is enclosed. It was heartening that Mr. Navjot Sidhu rang up the undersigned and informed that he had forwarded the Starred Questions to the Lok Sabha speaker and hopefully, he would get chance to raise these before 29 Nov 2009.

4. Our Joint Letter to Prime Minster has also been circulated to large number of ESM for getting the same printed in Media. Efforts have been made to deliver the letter personally to PM and RM. Let us hope some action is taken soon.

5. While IESM is making every effort to get Justice to the veterans, some of our misguided ESM are indulging in anti IESM activities. Gp Capt Gandhi Gen Secy (coord) will be informing you about the details of such activities.

6. Well, friends if we want our demands to be met, there is only one way ie Unite in Large numbers and with one voice intensify the Movement for positive outcome.

7. As we are getting in touch with each other, a large number of serious anomalies are coming to notice which are applicable to large group of ESM. May we request all ESM to send us the anomalies noticed by them besides which are already known to the majority. These will be compiled and taken up with the Govt.

With Kind Regards,

Jai Hind
Yours Sincerely,

Maj Gen (Retd) Satbir Singh, SM
Vice Chairman Indian ESM Movement
Mobile: 9312404269, 0124-4110570
Email :


Dated: 11 Nov 2009



1. The winter session of Parliament starts from 19 November 09. The Defence Veterans of India numbering approx twenty four lakhs seek your personal indulgence in support of their demand of One Rank One Pension (OROP) which means “Defence Personnel who have put in same years of service and have obtained the same ranks must get same pension irrespective of the date of retirement.”

2. On 25 Oct 2009, veterans returned 2000 medals their fifth pack of medals to the President of India: their supreme commander to express their extreme anguish, hurt feelings and desperation caused by frustration and distress. So far more than twenty thousand medals have been deposited with the President. Why have the veterans been driven to such a state of anguish? Starred questions for Hon’ble Members of Parliament are attached. A peep into these questions will reveal the causes of mistreatment and extreme anguish of Defence Veterans who are seeking “Justice”. May we request you to raise these questions in the coming winter session of Parliament starting November 19, 2009 and ask the Govt to sanction One Rank One Pension for the Defence Personnel at the earliest please.

3. A combined letter dated 14 October 2009 written to Honble Prime Minister by Major Ex Servicemen organization functioning in the country is also enclosed for your perusal please.

4. Before closing, it may be pertinent to quote excerpts from some bits of a speech President Obama gave at Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention on August 17, 2009.

“And our nation owes these Americans ...and all who have given their lives- a profound debt of
gratitude… And as always, the thoughts and prayers of every American are with those who
make the ultimate sacrifice in our defense….. We fulfill our responsibility to our veterans as
they return to civilian life… Whether you’ve left the service in 2009 or 1949, we will fulfill our
responsibility to deliver the benefits and care that you earned….These are commitments that
we make to the patriots who serve… from the day they enlist to the day that they are laid to

Shri Navjot Singh Sidhu
Member of Parliament
A-7, M.S. Flats,
B.K.S. Marg, New Delhi -110001


1. More than 22000 medals have been returned to the President by the Military Veterans so far – the last lot being the return of 2000 medals on 25th Oct 2009. It is a known fact that a medal is very cherished and coveted part of a soldier’s life, both while in service and after retirement. That the veterans have been driven to such an extreme step shows the disillusionment and frustration at the apathy of the Govt towards them.

2. The soldiers have been agitating since quite some time to restore their dignity and pride which have been drastically eroded by the recommendations and implementation of 6th Pay Commission by the Govt which has shown a total disregard to the ethos, rank structure and, esprit de corps of the Defence Forces. This will contribute to a large extent in shaking the very foundation over which the Defence Forces of the country stand. History will not forgive, the perpetrators of this – the Pay Commission and the Govt. They have intentionally or unintentionally demoralized the ex - soldiers and by default the serving personnel as well.

3. I implore upon the Govt to take immediate remedial measures to restore the confidence of the Military by seriously going into their grievances before some tragic incident occurs. I want the Hon’ble Raksha Mantri to reply on the following issues as starred questions.


1. Defence Forces of India function on hierarchical principle without which the military can not function. The 6th CPC has ruthlessly demolished their system. May I request the RM to kindly reply to my following questions.

Q 1. Why has the Govt ie PM, RM, FM mislead the nation both in Parliament and outside that OROP had been implemented. This is a blatant lie to confuse and mislead the Parliament and the Nation, when actually on the ground no action has been taken in this regard ?

Q 2 (a). An old pensioner (Pre 96) Sepoy with 17 years of service gets a pension of Rs 3500/-per month only where as a Sepoy retiring after 2006 with same years of service gets a Pension of Rs 7045/- per month. Like wise all Ex servicemen of all ranks who retired prior to 01 Jan 06 will draw much less pension as compared to their counter parts retiring after 01 Jan 2006 This is totally unjust, arbitrator, illegal and happens only in our Country. Will the worthy RM explain the rational of such differentials?

(b) A Major General pre 2006 retiree get far less pension than A Lt Col, (who is four ranks junior) who retired after 01-01-06. Likewise , other senior rank officers ie Brig, Col, Lt Col, Maj, Capt, Lt, PBORs who are pre 2006 retirees get less pension than their counterparts who retired after 01-01-06. This is a weird situation which is also a blatant violation of Article 14 and fundamental rights of the constitution. A senior rank officer must never get less pension than his junior rank officer irrespective of the date of retirement. The very functioning of the Army Rank structure is being adversely affected since the present serving personnel are the future retirees. Will the worthy RM explain the rational of this serious anomaly?

(c) There is far too large a gap --- of Rs 11600 --- between Major and Lt Col. Similarly, too large a gap has been created between the pensions of Major General and Lt Gen i.e Rs 9800/- The pensions of Lt Col, Col, Brig and Major General have been kept in a rather too narrow a range ie Rs 25700 – Rs 26700/-, a gap of only Rs 1000. The length of service and level of responsibility held have not been given due weigatage. Between Col and Maj Gen, the difference in pension is only Rs 650/-. The anomaly is too glaring. There should be sufficient gap, between the pensions of successive ranks and there should be no large variations within a particular rank. Why the pensions of Defence Pensioners structured so illogically. Will the RM explain please?

(d) While implementing the Supreme Court judgment in the case of Maj Gens, the Govt has accepted the concept of granting the same pension to pre 96 and post 96 retirees with same rank and same service the plea made by Maj Gens when 5th Pay Commission was implemented. In the same way, the Govt should have applied the same concept in the case of pre 01 Jan 2006 and Post 01 Jan 2006 retirees of all ranks. Why the same has not been done?

(e) Three Assured Carrier Progressions (ACP) concept has been accepted as 6th CPC award. But the same has not been applied to the past pensioners. The past pensioners should also be given the benefit of ACP by notionally applying the concept to them and their pensions fixed accordingly. Why the same has not been done?

(f) The Hon’ble PM on 15 Aug 09 in his speech at the Red Fort announced enhancement of pensions of Junior Commissioned Officers of Army and their equivalent in Navy and Air Force and Other Ranks of Army, Navy and Air Force. However, Govt orders of implementation of enhanced pensions have not yet been issued. What are the reasons for the delay?

Q 3. Why in the last 62 year the status of Defence Personnel viz a viz their civil counterparts has been constantly eroded. A few examples:-

· In 1947 highest Police Officer in a State was equivalent to a Lt Col. However after 6th CPC he has been placed even ahead of Lt Gen.

· A joint Secretary level officer was equal to a Major. However, now he is equated with major General.

· A Jawan who handles all the technical equipment and sacrifices the best period of his life in the most inhospitable terrain and conditions and is on duty 24 hrs 365 days a year and who has voluntarily surrendered his fundamental rights has been equated with a peon in the Civil Govt.

2. Not to compare but to bring it to the notice of this august house the respect which other countries give to their soldiers. I wish to highlight some excerpts from the bits of speech president Obama gave at veterans of Foreign War Convention on August 17, 2009

“And our nation owes these Americans ...and all who have given their lives- a profound debt of gratitude… And as always, the thoughts and prayers of every American are with those who make the ultimate sacrifice in our defense….. We fulfill our responsibility to our veterans as they return to civilian life… Whether you’ve left the service in 2009 or 1949, we will fulfill our responsibility to deliver
the benefits and care that you earned….These are commitments that we make to the patriots who serve… from the day they enlist to the day that they are laid to rest.”

3. Lastly a nation which does not show gratitude and respect to its soldiers will do so at their own peril.

Mr. Navjot Singh Sidhu
Hon’ble Member of Parliament



Dear Friends,

1. Information leaflet in Hindi is attached. You are requested to circulate the same to the maximum ESM. You are also requested to get it translated in local languages and circulate to the ESM in the area.

2. We once again appeal to all ESM Organizations and ESM to join the IESM in large numbers. As explained earlier deposit of medals is to be vigorously pursued to make the Govt take us seriously. We request atleast 2000 ESM to be added to the membership list from each district of the country and atleast 2000 medals per district be collected for deposit with the President. All convenors are requested to organize membership drive as well as medal collection on OP IMMEDIATE basis and give us the feed back twice a month. Once large number of medals have been collected, the date of deposit of medals will be planned. Every ESM to kindly cooperate.

3. It is heartening to note that number of IESM members have contacted MPs to raise questions on OROP in the Parliament during the current session. Besides the open letter to the MPs, we had forwarded them another open letter on “Starred Questions for the MPs”. A letter sent to Mr Navjot Sidhu who has responded is enclosed. It was heartening that Mr. Navjot Sidhu rang up the undersigned and informed that he had forwarded the Starred Questions to the Lok Sabha speaker and hopefully, he would get chance to raise these before 29 Nov 2009.

4. Our Joint Letter to Prime Minster has also been circulated to large number of ESM for getting the same printed in Media. Efforts have been made to deliver the letter personally to PM and RM. Let us hope some action is taken soon.

5. While IESM is making every effort to get Justice to the veterans, some of our misguided ESM are indulging in anti IESM activities. Gp Capt Gandhi Gen Secy (coord) will be informing you about the details of such activities.

6. Well, friends if we want our demands to be met, there is only one way ie Unite in Large numbers and with one voice intensify the Movement for positive outcome.

7. As we are getting in touch with each other, a large number of serious anomalies are coming to notice which are applicable to large group of ESM. May we request all ESM to send us the anomalies noticed by them besides which are already known to the majority. These will be compiled and taken up with the Govt.

With Kind Regards,

Jai Hind
Yours Sincerely,

Maj Gen (Retd) Satbir Singh, SM
Vice Chairman Indian ESM Movement
Mobile: 9312404269, 0124-4110570
Email :


Dated: 11 Nov 2009



1. The winter session of Parliament starts from 19 November 09. The Defence Veterans of India numbering approx twenty four lakhs seek your personal indulgence in support of their demand of One Rank One Pension (OROP) which means “Defence Personnel who have put in same years of service and have obtained the same ranks must get same pension irrespective of the date of retirement.”

2. On 25 Oct 2009, veterans returned 2000 medals their fifth pack of medals to the President of India: their supreme commander to express their extreme anguish, hurt feelings and desperation caused by frustration and distress. So far more than twenty thousand medals have been deposited with the President. Why have the veterans been driven to such a state of anguish? Starred questions for Hon’ble Members of Parliament are attached. A peep into these questions will reveal the causes of mistreatment and extreme anguish of Defence Veterans who are seeking “Justice”. May we request you to raise these questions in the coming winter session of Parliament starting November 19, 2009 and ask the Govt to sanction One Rank One Pension for the Defence Personnel at the earliest please.

3. A combined letter dated 14 October 2009 written to Honble Prime Minister by Major Ex Servicemen organization functioning in the country is also enclosed for your perusal please.

4. Before closing, it may be pertinent to quote excerpts from some bits of a speech President Obama gave at Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention on August 17, 2009.

“And our nation owes these Americans ...and all who have given their lives- a profound debt of
gratitude… And as always, the thoughts and prayers of every American are with those who
make the ultimate sacrifice in our defense….. We fulfill our responsibility to our veterans as
they return to civilian life… Whether you’ve left the service in 2009 or 1949, we will fulfill our
responsibility to deliver the benefits and care that you earned….These are commitments that
we make to the patriots who serve… from the day they enlist to the day that they are laid to

Shri Navjot Singh Sidhu
Member of Parliament
A-7, M.S. Flats,
B.K.S. Marg, New Delhi -110001


1. More than 22000 medals have been returned to the President by the Military Veterans so far – the last lot being the return of 2000 medals on 25th Oct 2009. It is a known fact that a medal is very cherished and coveted part of a soldier’s life, both while in service and after retirement. That the veterans have been driven to such an extreme step shows the disillusionment and frustration at the apathy of the Govt towards them.

2. The soldiers have been agitating since quite some time to restore their dignity and pride which have been drastically eroded by the recommendations and implementation of 6th Pay Commission by the Govt which has shown a total disregard to the ethos, rank structure and, esprit de corps of the Defence Forces. This will contribute to a large extent in shaking the very foundation over which the Defence Forces of the country stand. History will not forgive, the perpetrators of this – the Pay Commission and the Govt. They have intentionally or unintentionally demoralized the ex - soldiers and by default the serving personnel as well.

3. I implore upon the Govt to take immediate remedial measures to restore the confidence of the Military by seriously going into their grievances before some tragic incident occurs. I want the Hon’ble Raksha Mantri to reply on the following issues as starred questions.


1. Defence Forces of India function on hierarchical principle without which the military can not function. The 6th CPC has ruthlessly demolished their system. May I request the RM to kindly reply to my following questions.

Q 1. Why has the Govt ie PM, RM, FM mislead the nation both in Parliament and outside that OROP had been implemented. This is a blatant lie to confuse and mislead the Parliament and the Nation, when actually on the ground no action has been taken in this regard ?

Q 2 (a). An old pensioner (Pre 96) Sepoy with 17 years of service gets a pension of Rs 3500/-per month only where as a Sepoy retiring after 2006 with same years of service gets a Pension of Rs 7045/- per month. Like wise all Ex servicemen of all ranks who retired prior to 01 Jan 06 will draw much less pension as compared to their counter parts retiring after 01 Jan 2006 This is totally unjust, arbitrator, illegal and happens only in our Country. Will the worthy RM explain the rational of such differentials?

(b) A Major General pre 2006 retiree get far less pension than A Lt Col, (who is four ranks junior) who retired after 01-01-06. Likewise , other senior rank officers ie Brig, Col, Lt Col, Maj, Capt, Lt, PBORs who are pre 2006 retirees get less pension than their counterparts who retired after 01-01-06. This is a weird situation which is also a blatant violation of Article 14 and fundamental rights of the constitution. A senior rank officer must never get less pension than his junior rank officer irrespective of the date of retirement. The very functioning of the Army Rank structure is being adversely affected since the present serving personnel are the future retirees. Will the worthy RM explain the rational of this serious anomaly?

(c) There is far too large a gap --- of Rs 11600 --- between Major and Lt Col. Similarly, too large a gap has been created between the pensions of Major General and Lt Gen i.e Rs 9800/- The pensions of Lt Col, Col, Brig and Major General have been kept in a rather too narrow a range ie Rs 25700 – Rs 26700/-, a gap of only Rs 1000. The length of service and level of responsibility held have not been given due weigatage. Between Col and Maj Gen, the difference in pension is only Rs 650/-. The anomaly is too glaring. There should be sufficient gap, between the pensions of successive ranks and there should be no large variations within a particular rank. Why the pensions of Defence Pensioners structured so illogically. Will the RM explain please?

(d) While implementing the Supreme Court judgment in the case of Maj Gens, the Govt has accepted the concept of granting the same pension to pre 96 and post 96 retirees with same rank and same service the plea made by Maj Gens when 5th Pay Commission was implemented. In the same way, the Govt should have applied the same concept in the case of pre 01 Jan 2006 and Post 01 Jan 2006 retirees of all ranks. Why the same has not been done?

(e) Three Assured Carrier Progressions (ACP) concept has been accepted as 6th CPC award. But the same has not been applied to the past pensioners. The past pensioners should also be given the benefit of ACP by notionally applying the concept to them and their pensions fixed accordingly. Why the same has not been done?

(f) The Hon’ble PM on 15 Aug 09 in his speech at the Red Fort announced enhancement of pensions of Junior Commissioned Officers of Army and their equivalent in Navy and Air Force and Other Ranks of Army, Navy and Air Force. However, Govt orders of implementation of enhanced pensions have not yet been issued. What are the reasons for the delay?

Q 3. Why in the last 62 year the status of Defence Personnel viz a viz their civil counterparts has been constantly eroded. A few examples:-

· In 1947 highest Police Officer in a State was equivalent to a Lt Col. However after 6th CPC he has been placed even ahead of Lt Gen.

· A joint Secretary level officer was equal to a Major. However, now he is equated with major General.

· A Jawan who handles all the technical equipment and sacrifices the best period of his life in the most inhospitable terrain and conditions and is on duty 24 hrs 365 days a year and who has voluntarily surrendered his fundamental rights has been equated with a peon in the Civil Govt.

2. Not to compare but to bring it to the notice of this august house the respect which other countries give to their soldiers. I wish to highlight some excerpts from the bits of speech president Obama gave at veterans of Foreign War Convention on August 17, 2009

“And our nation owes these Americans ...and all who have given their lives- a profound debt of gratitude… And as always, the thoughts and prayers of every American are with those who make the ultimate sacrifice in our defense….. We fulfill our responsibility to our veterans as they return to civilian life… Whether you’ve left the service in 2009 or 1949, we will fulfill our responsibility to deliver
the benefits and care that you earned….These are commitments that we make to the patriots who serve… from the day they enlist to the day that they are laid to rest.”

3. Lastly a nation which does not show gratitude and respect to its soldiers will do so at their own peril.

Mr. Navjot Singh Sidhu
Hon’ble Member of Parliament

ESM sitrep 25 Nov evening

From: raj kadyan

Sent: Wed, 25 November, 2009 8:58:11 PM

Subject: ESM sitrep 25 Nov evening

Dear Colleagues,
I am happy to announce that Major Gurjeet Singh, ENGINEERS, who is settled abroad, has kindly consented to be the North America convener for the IESM.
I reemphasize the need for more volunteers to work for the ECHS Division of the IESM. We need ESM who can coordinate the activities at each polyclinic. Those willing to thus serve the ESM may kindly come forward and let us know.
There is also an urgent need for us to find ways to connect/communicate with the rural ESM. Majority of them are not computer users.
Viability of communicating through SMS is already being examined.
Any suggestions?

Best regards,
Lt Gen (Emeritus) Raj Kadyan, PVSM, AVSM, VSM,
Chairman IESM
262, Sector-17A, Gurgaon- 122 001

Monday, November 23, 2009

ESM sitrep 22 Nov evening

From: raj kadyan

Sent: Sun, 22 November, 2009 7:40:42 PM

Subject: ESM sitrep 22 Nov evening

Dear Colleagues,

Gen Satbir, Colonel Krit Joshipura, Hony Capt Dhir Singh and self attended an ESM rally at village Dujana (Jhajjar, Haryana) today. Attended by nearly a thousand ESM and Service families the gathering expressed full support for the IESM and the effectiveness of the method of depositing medals with a view to pressurising the government. There was a spontaneous response to seek IESM membership. On a specific question by Hony Capt Dhir Singh whether the existing membership fee was too high, the gathering almost unanimously rejected the notion and wanted the existing fees to continue. In fact a large number of them made spot cash donations to us.
The promised pension enhancement is yet to be implemented. My interaction with the MOD reveals that the tables are almost ready and the government orders are being issued ‘shortly’. On being asked whether the enhancement can be expected by the New Year, I was informed it may be sooner. One keeps one’s fingers crossed.
Best regards,
Lt Gen (Emeritus) Raj Kadyan, PVSM, AVSM, VSM
Chairman IESM.
262, Sector-17A, Gurgaon- 122 001
Tele: 91+124-4015262, +91981...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Request from RMS..Brig Kamboj

Dear Friends,

Jai Hind.
Reference Email 772/2009, sent to you on 14 Nov 09, copy appended below.
In spite of the suggestion that in the current environment of computerisation, signing of letters and documents, in general, is not required, a few veterans insisted that they want a letter signed by Lt Gen Raj Kadyan, Chairman IESM, for handing it over to the MP of their respective constituency.

Therefore, a letter duly signed by the Chairman IESM is now attached. Please take a colour printout of the attachment.

The ESM receiving this email are once again requested the following –

· Please find out the name of the MP of your constituency.

· A few ESM of that constituency should get together and go and meet the concerned MP, handover a copy of the attached letter to the MP and also brief him about the OROP.

· In case your constituency MP has already left for Delhi to attend the next session of Parliament, then consider if one or two of you could visit Delhi and handover the letter to your MP at New Delhi.

· If your coming to New Delhi is not feasible then send the attached letter by “Speed Post” to the MP.
Along with the attached letter also send a covering letter signed by as many ESM as possible.

· Please do not send the letter by email. If sending the letters by email to MPs could have served the purpose, we would not need your help for it.
While every MP has an email ID, very few of them ever open the email box.
As per a study of the last Parliament, most of the laptops given to the MPs were never used by them.
They were either used by their secretaries or …. the grand children.

IESM thanks all the ESM who constantly keep appreciating the efforts being made by IESM for Justice for Defence Services, but a few leaders alone cannot do everything by themselves. We all have to stand shoulder to shoulder and support the IESM leaders and their plans.

Therefore, please come forward and implement what is suggested in this email above.





After delivering the letter to the MP of your consitituency, please send us the following details at the earliest –
A. Name of the constituency and the MP.
B. Name of the ESM team who took action.
C. A brief what you did and the response of your constituency MP.

We look forward to your early kind response.
Your response kindly be sent to the following by email –
· Lt Gen Raj Kadyan, Chairman IESM – email ID – .
· Maj Gen Satbir Singh, Vice Chairman IESM – email ID – .
· Gp Capt VK Gandhi, Secy Gen IESM – email ID - .

In Service of Indian Military Veterans
Chander Kamboj.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


on 13 Dec 09, Sunday at 1000h at AVCC sector 37 NOIDA

Dear All

Please refer to the previous notice for AGM dated 27 Oct 09 regarding Annual General Body meeting of IESM.

Due to some administrative problems it is not possible to hold AGM of IESM at Bangalore on 22 Nov 09. AGM of IESM is being rescheduled as given below.

AGM of IESM is now being planned to be held on 13 Dec 09 Sunday at 1000h to 1200h at AVCC, Sector 37 Noida 201301. Agenda for the meeting is given below.

1.Welcome by Gen Sec
2.Address by Chairman.
3.To receive, consider and adopt the audited Balance Sheet as on 31 March 2009, Income & Expenditure Account for the period ended on that date and the Auditor’s Report thereon.
4.To appoint auditors for the year 2009-2010.
5.Discussion on the points raised by the members if any.
6.Vote of thanks.

All members are requested to attend the meeting and send their confirmation of attendance to the Gen Sec at the earliest. All members are requested to make arrangement for travel and stay at Noida/Delhi. Members are requested to forward their points for inclusion in the agenda.

Duly audited account statement of year 08-09 is enclosed, Guide map to reach AVCC noida is attached for the convenience of all members.


Gp Capt VK Gandhi VSM
Gen Sec IESM
L - 48, Sector - 25,
NOIDA. 201301
Tele no 01202519440
Mobile 09810541222

Monday, November 16, 2009

welcome Brig RS Chhikara to IESM

From: raj kadyan
Sent: Sun, 15 November, 2009 9:35:09 PM
Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of you all I welcome Brig RS Chhikara, as a new member into the IESM family. In addition to the membership fee he has also made a donation of Rs 4500/-. Our grateful thanks to him for his generous gesture. Thanks also to Brig Kamboj for motivating him to join in.

Our effort to run the IESM with minimum expense has not been without its downside. At times we have not been able to complete the desired tasks in a timely manner. One example is sending of the membership cards. The ESM fraternity has enormous talent in diverse welfare related fields and ample goodwill to pitch in with voluntary help. May I request the environment that those who can spare time may send their offer of help mentioning any special expertise they possess and the issues they feel comfortable with? This could be mailed to the General Secretary Gp Capt VK Gandhi on

Best regards,
Lt Gen (Emeritus) Raj Kadyan, PVSM, AVSM, VSM
Chairman IESM
262, Sector-17A, Gurgaon- 122 001
Tele: 91+124-4015262, +91981...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

An open letter to Hon’ble Members of Parliament from IESM

An open letter to Hon’ble Members of Parliament

Dear Hon’ble Members,

The winter session of the Parliament is to begin shortly. The eyes of some 1200 million Indians will be on you to consider and debate their problems and to take momentous decisions to move this country forward. This vast population includes some two million Indian Ex Servicemen (ESM), who also will look at you all with great hope and expectation. Their population in the overall context may be small but the contribution made by them to keep India safe and united is far out of proportion to their numbers. They have been demanding ‘one rank one pension’ (OROP), which is equal pension for equal service. The latter in their context is length of service combined with the rank on retirement, which in turn defines the level of responsibility they held while in uniform. So it is ‘same rank, same service, same pension’.

OROP is not a new demand. It has been on simmer for over 25 years. It received fresh impetus after the Sixth Central Pay Commission, where absence of a defence representative led to recommendations that are detrimental to the very ethos on which the edifice of our defence forces stands. That the government has since accepted a separate pay commission for the defence forces ‘from next time on’ underscores the acceptance of their mistake.

The ESM have the resilience to survive in their paltry pension. What they are demanding is not more money per se. They are seeking justice and equity. They want all pensioners, past and present, to get the same pension. Ignoring their demand is perceived by them as if they have been merely used and discarded. They feel cheated and hurt. One can live with poverty but living with injustice is difficult for self respecting humans.

Why is the government not sanctioning OROP? Even though you would be better placed to answer this question, let me give the reason gleaned during my various interactions with those who frame and influence national policies. No one has questioned the legitimacy of the demand; “If we give it to you, other government employees may also demand it”, has been the only argument. Other government employees are not our adversaries; they are our own kith and kin. However, their conditions of service are vastly different from those of the defence forces. Apart from risks, dangers, difficulties, separations, dislocations inherent in a soldier’s life, his 24x7 work schedule for months on end is unique. The biggest difference is in the age at which they retire. An Army Sepoy – and over 85% of all personnel go home as Sepoys – is compulsorily sent on pension after 15 years of service. Being thrown out of job in mid Thirties on a meagre pension when one’s financial commitments are at a peak is a great trauma. An example would put the issue of relativity in correct perspective. Of two young men of the same age and education background, one joins the Army and the other the police (taken only for illustrative purposes). If they survive till the age of 75 years, the total difference in their earnings from salary and pension is approximately 47 Lacs in favour of the Constable. The relativity with other civilian employees would not be materially different. That is why the non-defence personnel have not pressed for OROP. If they were indeed aggrieved, they would not wait for the ESM to take lead.

Seeking parity between old and current pensions is not something unethical. If it were so, one is sure you all as Hon’ble members would not have accepted its applicability to yourselves. Nor is such a demand illegal since our Hon’ble members of the judiciary are also enjoying benefits of this provision. The soldiers, in the normal course, should get preferential treatment. Here, they are not even being treated at par with others.

Selective comparisons are never fully valid. However, since soldiers all over the world face similar fate, it may be relevant to quote excerpts from a speech President Barack Obama gave at the Veterans of Foreign Wars
Convention on August 17, 2009:

“And our nation owes these Americans -- and all who have given their lives – a profound debt of gratitude… And as always, the thoughts and prayers of every American are with those who make the ultimate sacrifice in our defence… We will fulfil our responsibility to our veterans as they return to
civilian life… Whether you've left the service in 2009 or 1949, we will fulfil our responsibility to deliver the benefits and care that you earned… These are commitments that we make to the patriots who serve – from the day they enlist to the day that they are laid to rest…”

A soldier is intrinsically shy and is conditioned to project his problems through the established channels. However, when his demand for justice is repeatedly stonewalled, his options get limited. It is not only unusual but also unfortunate that the Indian veterans have been forced to state their demand publicly. They are resolved to continue their protest in a lawful manner till they get justice.

I have had occasion to interact in person with a number of you belonging to different political parties. Interestingly, each one has expressed sympathy and support for OROP. However, after the issue is processed through the government machinery, the colour seems to change and OROP continues to remain a pending issue. This dichotomy bothers us, the ESM.

Lt Gen Raj Kadyan (Retd)

ESM sitrep 08 Nov 2009

Dear Gen Kadyan,

To expect all/most ESM orgs in the country to come under one banner is the
`Height of Naivety`. Moreso, since many of them are affiliated to various political parties & their ESM orgs have their own `axe to grind`. We cannot & should not grudge them their `agenda` which they might be aspiring for, in the garb of ESM welfare. This is not to belittle some of the good/selfless work done by some orgs/indls for ESM.

Turbulence was expected ever since the IESM was formed because that woke up the `sleeping giant` IESL(in terms of numbers only), probably after a nugde from the `netas/babus` prior to the Lok Sabha elections. The IESL`s negative role towards OROP was expected being a Govt controlled org, though there have been some sincere efforts by some IESL members espousing the cause of ESM. This is evident from the corresp between the IESL President & Lt Gen SK Bahri. What is
surprising is the perceived non-involvement of most IESL `Top Brass`(ex Chiefs/
Army Cdrs/Lt Gens/Equivalents in IN/AF). How come their voices/views(if they have any) are not publicised/posted on the net or have they left it to the IESL President to conduct its business the way he likes. Why are they shirking to head the IESL as you have done so honourably to head the IESM.
Though the issue of OROP has been going on for the last 25 years, it is common
knowledge that it was the IESM which brought it to the centre stage by its peaceful agenda at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi and depositing of hard earned medals with the President. This obviously had the desired effect on the Nation, otherwise why did the IESL & some stooge orgs issue a `fatwa` against it so late(again it seems at the instance of the `netas/babus`.
Disability Pension - Even on an important issue of equitable disability pension the Govt is not bothered/procrastinating and has left the disabled soldiers to fight their `battles` in Courts(all at the cost of ESMs pension). Even after the Courts have ruled in favour of the disabled soldiers, frivolous SLPs/counter petitions are filed by the Govt just to delay the issue. Are the PM/RM/FM blind to these glaring anomalies or are they content with the delaying tactics of the `babus` to antagonise the ESM. What an ungrateful Congress Govt that sits on the sacrifices/lives/blood/sweat/toil of the soldiers. A lot was expected from the PM & RM - alas they have failed the Armed Forces. Even a war-disabled ex-VCOAS wrote to the RM but no response. Compare this with what the IIT Alumini achieved in a short time. The PM/RM/FM should be ashamed of themselves. Look how other nations treat their veterans/soldiers. The attitude of the Govt should be exposed nationally/internationally on the internet. Don`t expect much from the media, as they too have their compulsions. Expose the `babus` as the biggest culprits. Take the help of like-minded civil indls/orgs.
26/11 & Vijay Diwas - The disaster of 26/11 hit a chord with the people of Mumbai. They were all for the Armed Forces & the NSG(read Army). The first anniversary should be utilised effectively to convey our Agenda/Grievances & expose the misgivings of the `netas/babus` with specific ref to the Cabinet Secy`s
Anomalies report & the lies therein. Vijay Diwas should again be utilised to promote our causes The return of medals should be done with greater vigour & on a grander scale with the entire Indian/foreign media incl BBC/CNN/Chinese/Pak/Japanese/German/French/etc. Let them see how the " finest soldiers in the world" are treated by the Govt of India. In fact foreign countries give more honour to Indian soldiers. France honoured the Indian Armed Forces by inviting them to lead their ID parade. The planning for 26/11 & Vijay Diwas should
start imdt as there is very little time. Set targets for the State/Distt coordinators to collect ESM/medals.
Role of ex-Chiefs/Army Cdrs/Lt Gens/Equivalents - They should seek an audience collectively with the PM & RM and give a memorandum on the lines of
Lt Gen Harwant Singh`s letter in full media glare. Indl letters by them to PM/RM have had no effect. These senior Veterans have nothing to lose. In fact, they owe it to their subordinates who were mainly responsible for what they achieved. If reqd even MPs/MLAs should be coopted. The Armed Forces cannot be taken for a ride by `babus`. Look what the ex-CNS achieved, that too while in the Chair. He was true to the cause of soldiers. The other serving seniors need to take a cue from him.
It is now or never - otherwise the Courts will remain the last option. They are generally positive to ESM complaints regarding pay & allowances. I have already got a reprieve from the Punjab & Haryana High Court in my favour regarding bunching of my disability pension.



Best regards,
Brig SS Jaswal, Veteran,
IESM, Panchkula.

- On Sun, 8/11/09, Kamboj Chander wrote:

From: Kamboj Chander
Subject: ESM SITREP 08 NOV 09 - "REPORT MY SIGNAL" - EMAIL 759/2009 - 08 NOV 09 (H to Z)
Date: Sunday, 8 November, 2009, 11:37 PM

Brigadier C. S. Kamboj, VSM., VETERAN,
Email -


In Service of Indian Military Veterans
Chander Kamboj.

From: raj kadyan
Sent: Sun, 8 November, 2009 8:21:44 PM
Subject: ESM sitrep 08 Nov evening
Dear Colleagues,

Yet another attempt at cobbling a joint approach, – even though it was for a limited purpose of writing a combined letter - has run into open turbulence. This is most unfortunate. The target audience that we intended to influence through this effort could not be unaware of the fission.

I will reiterate what I had said a few weeks ago through this very medium. Based on the experience of many failed attempts at fostering unity, we need to get reconciled to the fact that in the foreseeable future unity among ESM is a mere mirage. There must be several factors, both institutional and individual, which are stymieing the repeated attempts made in this direction. Therefore, while there is no harm keeping our efforts and hopes alive, we need to accept the reality and not lament over the fact.

One positive in the ESM environment is that we all have a common goal – of ESM welfare in general and OROP in particular. Only the approaches are different. We should use this fact to make our efforts seem like a multi-pronged thrust to attain our common objective.

Best regards,
Lt Gen (Emeritus) Raj Kadyan, PVSM, AVSM, VSM,
Chairman IESM

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mail by Brig Kamboj...RMS

Dear Friends,
Jai Hind.
For success of the current All India Movement by ESM to get -
Justice for Defence Services,
it is important that ESM organisations and we All ESM stand shoulder to shoulder.

There are already large numbers of existing ESM organisations and each one of them is doing its utmost to get justice for Defence Services of India.
If any one of you is not a member of an ESM organisation, do join one of the existing ESM organisations and give your whole-hearted support to the current movement for Justice for Defence Services.

For early and assured success of our mission – Justice for Defence Services, what is required is that all the existing ESM organisations must work in a synergetic manner. All ESM organisations may continue to follow their own philosophy and methods, but nothing should be said or done which implies to adversely criticising other ESM organisations or any individual ESM.

Any representation to be sent in writing to the Government of India should preferably go as a joint memorandum by All ESM Organisations.
We must avoid creating new ESM organisations, unless it is being created for a specific problem to be resolved; like the Retired Defence Officers Association, which has been created with the specific purpose to resolve the V CPC anomaly pertaining to rank pay of officers of Defence Services.

We must appreciate that if someone is still trying to create a new ESM organisation to represent the common existing problems of all ESM, it is being done to achieve ulterior motives of the originators of such organisations – especially if the creators of such organisation are going on a vilification campaign of any of the existing ESM organisation. You should come down with a heavy hand on such misguided persons and ensure they do not succeed in their ulterior motives at the cost of all the ESM of India.

An email received from IESM Steering Committee is reproduced below for your consideration.
If you agree with the contents of this email - do give wide publicity to its contents.




In Service of Indian Military Veterans
Chander Kamboj.

From: Vinod Gandhi


Sent: Sat, 7 November, 2009 1:42:45 PM

Dear Veterans
Of late, few veterans have been indulging in vilification campaign against IESM. They are indulging in this vilification campaign to serve their narrow interest. They are inflicting immense damage to the clean image of ex-servicemen. It is evident from their mails that they are either not aware of the work done by IESM and its decision making procedures or intentionally indulging into vilification campaign with a specific design in their mind. In order to remove the doubts being created by these misguided Veterans about IESM, the following is submitted for information of all ESM: -
1. IESM is fully committed to the welfare of ex-servicemen and will continue to do so against all odds.

2. IESM has been successful in bringing the demand of OROP to the centre stage of the Government and will continue to pursue the case till Government approves the OROP for all ex-servicemen.

3. IESM does not support any particular political outfit and will support only those who will help IESM in getting OROP for all ex-servicemen.

4. AGM for the IESM is being planned in mid December 09.

5. IESM accounts have been audited by the CA and the balance sheet is ready. The balance sheet will be put up to AGM for approval. The approved balance sheet will be released for all to study and will be uploaded to IESM website.

6. Income tax return for the year 2008-09 has been filed.

7. IESM has a system of internal audit at regular intervals and all expenditure is vetted by steering committee.

8. IESM has received income tax exemption for the donations under section 80G of income tax. As per this clause, 50% of all donations are exempt from income tax; required receipts for claiming the IT relief is being issued to donors.

9. Steering Committee of the IESM takes decisions unanimously and in case of any differences, the issue is resolved peacefully and democratically by vote.

10. Core Group of IESM is a larger body. All State conveners and many JCOs, NCOs or ORs are member of core group. Core group meeting is held every quarter where JCOs and other ranks take active part in deliberations.

11. As per MOA of the IESM, the present team of office bearers has been elected for a period of two years. On completion of two years in Dec 2010, a new team of office bearers will be elected.

12. IESM is committed to peaceful demonstrations and will never support any disruptive kind of protest.

13. IESM has started three divisions to look after the interest of ex-servicemen. These are –

Pension division to help ex-servicemen to sort out their pension related problems.

ECHS division to improve the working of ECHS with a long term perspective that benefit of ECHS facility is available to all ex-servicemen even in remotest corners of India.

CSD division to help spread its reach and benefits even to ex-servicemen residing in villages by opening CSD counters or providing mobile counter facility.

IESM is also taking up other important demands like –

Job guarantee till 60 yrs of age for all ex-servicemen.

Assured alternate career on retirement such as parallel absorption in other organisations on release from service.

Ex-servicemen commission for welfare of all ex-servicemen to be manned by only ex-servicemen.

Inclusion of ex-servicemen in the committees set up to
consider issues pertaining to ex-servicemen.

Anomalies related to disability pension.
15. Other important issues affecting the welfare of ESM are also under planning and will also be looked into when necessary.
IESM requests ex-servicemen not to get misled by the vilification campaign by a few misguided and self-centered veterans.
For the success of the Mission – Justice for Defence Services, ALL ESM of THREE Services and All ESM organisations must stand shoulder to shoulder.
All ESM Organisations are doing their utmost for the benefit of ESM but, care has to be taken that the actions by ESM organisations are synergetic and complement each other.
Public criticism of any ESM organisation or any individual ESM must be avoided.
There are always ways and means of resolving differences in a peaceful and democratic manner.
IESM wishes all ex-servicemen organisations a grand success in pursuing their charter for the welfare of ex-servicemen.

Gp Capt VK Gandhi VSM
Gen Sec IESM
L - 48, Sector - 25, NOIDA. 201301
Tele no 01202519440, Mobile 09810541222

Pls see IESM latest NEWS on http://www.iesm. org


IESM Accounts for the FY 2008-2009 by Maj Gen P Renjen

Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 08:11:41 +0000

Dear IESM Members and other Veteran Friends,

IESM accounts for the FY 2008-09 have been audited as per regulations by a CA and the Income Tax Return has been accordingly filed. The accounts - balance sheet etc - will be presented to the members at the forthcoming AGM. Once approved, these will be put up on the web site for information of all members.

Some relevant rules on expenditure, as per Govt regulations on the subject,
are; -
1. Receipts against "Life Membership Fee" are to be put aside in a "Corpus" Fund and cannot be used for routine expenses. The purpose of the Corpus is to provide strength to the Organisation. However, we IESM may use any interest earned on the Corpus investments like Fixed deposits etc. This restriction is not applicable for annual subscriptions, which may be spent at will. IESM does not collect any annual subscriptions nor is there any proposal to do so in future.

2. Receipts against Donations can be spent for entitled expenses even though, in the first instance, 15% of these receipts are also required to be deposited in the "Corpus" and only 85% may be spent. If inescapable, however, this 15% can also be used for expenses. The unspent balance of the Donations is treated as income and taxed unless the Organisation obtains exemption from the requirement of spending it all within the year from the IT Deptt under sec 12A; the exemption allows that the receipts from donations may be spent in 5 yrs instead. Unspent amount thereafter will however be taxed. As already informed to all, IESM has obtained the required exemption.

3. While receipts from donations were generally satisfactory during the last financial year (FY 2008-09), these have virtually dried up in the current financial year. As a result, expenses till date exceed receipts for the year (FY 2009-10) and IESM is required to dip in to last year's balances of donations. This cannot go on; all members of IESM have to increase efforts to mobilise donations from ESM and civilians including Corporates. Convenors at all levels also need to keep this in mind when planning expenses, which they expect to be reimbursed by the HQ IESM. However, it must be added that IESM shall reimburse all justified and inescapable expenses. It is also worth noting that from 01 April, 2009 all donations received by IESM are eligible for IT exemption under sec 80G. Required receipt to claim the exemption will be issued by IESM.

God Bless IESM and God bless you,

Maj Gen (Retd) PK Renjen, AVSM
91-9810044542 (cell),
0124-6523963 (home)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sitrep 04 Nov 2009

Dear Colleagues,
In the sitrep dated 29 Oct 2009, I had given the expected enhancement in pension of pre 10.10.1997 PBOR. For ease of comparison and to gauge the extent of shortfall in OROP, I am adding another column below showing the post 1.1.2006 pensions.
Rank (service) Likely new pension Post 1.1.2006
Sep (19) Rs 5,800/- Rs 7,000/-
Naik (24) Rs 6,500/- Rs 7,345/-

Hav (26) Rs 6,500/- Rs 8,100/-

Nb Sub (28) Rs 10,675/- Rs 10,675/-
Sub (28) Rs 11,970/- Rs 11,970/-
Sub Maj (28) Rs 12,285/- Rs 12,285/-

One can see the glaring difference for Sepoy to Hav ranks
Best regards,
Lt Gen (Emeritus) Raj Kadyan, PVSM, AVSM, VSM
Chairman IESM

Monday, November 2, 2009

SCPC: Maj Gens- Pre/ Post- 2006 Pension Disparity

My Dear Brig Kamboj,
Letter addressed to all veteran Maj Gens/AVMs/Rear Admirals is given as link below.
Maj Gen (Retd) Satbir Singh, SM

Maj Gens' Case Pre & Post 2006 Pension Disparity
Dear Veterans,
1. AVM JK Pathania, a veteran who is also a practising Advocate of Delhi High Court and Supreme Court has taken an initiative to file a court case on behalf of Maj Gens/AVMs/Rear Admirals to ask for removal of disparity in Pension of Pre and Post 2006 retirees.
2. He had issued a legal notice to the Defence Secretary and the three Chiefs on 13 Aug 2009 (copy enclosed).While no reply has been received from the Defence Secretary, he has received reply from Lt Gen V K Chaturvedi, AVSM, SM on behalf of Chairman COSC dated 14 Sep 2009 (copy linked below). He had also sought information under the RTI from PIO, Min of Def vide RTI application dated 13 Aug 09 (copy linked below). The information is yet to be received.

3. AVM JK Pathania has proposed to file the joint case of a group of Maj Gens/ AVMs/ Rear Admirals in High Court/ Supreme Court. For proper preparation of case, he needs to assess the number of veterans who are willing to be part of the group. All veterans of ranks of Maj Gen/ AVM/ Rear Admiral who want to be part of the group may send their particulars to AVM Pathania with copy to me at the earliest.
With Kind Regards,
Jai Hind
Yours Sincerely,
Maj Gen (Retd) Satbir Singh,